Fear or the inner critic

Last updated on December 16th, 2023 at 03:07 pm

A mental health topic on Selene’s Shadow Realm (again)? Did you post on the wrong site? This blog is about your mods and projects. Why don’t you post it on Modding on the Spectrum where these subjects belong?….

What do you think after reading those lines? That I’m not sane? Sure, I have some more or less serious problems. And one of them is my inner critic. The first paragraph of the article shows you how his monologue can look like.


Before I go into … Read more

The #AskSelene31Something advice series

Last updated on December 17th, 2023 at 12:18 am

The hashtag stands for my deepest wish to help people with matters concerning mental health and the life with neurodivergent/neurodiverse conditions – be it for example Autism or ADHD/ADD (see the glossary on Modding on the Spectrum for more info). No, I’m not a psychologist. I’m just an “old” girl that experienced things in her life that nobody shouldn’t have. If you want to know my story, you can find a summary here. I developed strategies to cope. Some did work, some did not. Since I … Read more

Modding on the Spectrum

Last updated on August 17th, 2023 at 04:29 pm

A place to chill and relax while talking about mods and gaming. It offers discussion hubs for a wide variety of moddable games like The Elder Scrolls, Fallout or The Witcher series and many more.

The cherry on top is the Neurodiversity hub where members can ask for advice regarding their personal problems or problems of closed ones.

The platform Modding on the Spectrum welcomes everyone – regardless if you identify as neurodivergent or not.

Modding on the Spectrum logo

The Neurodiversity hub:

Did someone tell you that you play too much or waste your time … Read more